Dr. Bruno TempestaDr Bruno Tempesta
WPSA – SILO CONFERENCE  Ozzano dell’Emila - 08/10/2010

Effects of Monobutyrin.

  1. The product resulted clearly efficacious in:
  2. Preventing the colonization of pathogens at the gut level, in particular Salmonella and Clostridium, (and  E. Coli as well)
  3. Speeding the development of the gut and its maturation
  4. Depress Salmonella in infected birds

Click here to read the full presentation (PDF Format 268 Kb)

Manuela Parini – SILO SpA

Characteristics of the chemical bond butyric acid+glycerol:

  1. Covalent bond (the attraction force between 2 atoms that share a couple of electrons)
  2. Very stable (up-to 230° C)
  3. Stability non-pH dependent (practically no problem of dissociated or undissociated form)
  4. Odorless

Click here to read the whole presentation (PDF FILE 726 Kb)

Performance results in experimental farm:

  • Antongiovanni, M.,Buccioni, A.,Minieri, S. Galigani, I.Rapaccini, S.

Dipartimento di Biotecnologie agrarie, Sezione Scienze animali, University of Firenze

Some pieces of information about butyric acid

  • It is a natural fermentation product present in the gut environment;
  • It is a natural, selective modulator of intestinal micro flora and a natural stimulating factor of intestinal immune system;
  • It is an important energy source to the epithelial cells of intestinal mucosa: it enlarges the villi;
  • Its ester Sn 1 monobutyrin is particularly adequate as a feed integrator because its molecular form is chemically “protected”, physiologically easily absorbable, odourless, water dispersible.

Click here to view the full presentation  (PDF 310 Kb)

67 professionisti che rappresentano più del 85% del mercato avicolo italiano hanno seguito con interesse il seminario organizzato dall’associazione scientifica di avicoltura (WPSA Italian Branch) sull’impiego della Monobutirrina, frutto di ricerche eseguite dall’azienda Silo SpA, nelle diete del pollame

Results of in vivo and in vitro trials
Giovanni Tosi

Click here to read the full presentation in pdf Format (354 Kb)

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