Caratterizzazione genetica di popolazioni avicole

Categoria: Attività Gruppi di Lavoro

Recommended WPSA-Italian Biodiversity Group panel of markers for genetic characterization of chicken populations


Prof. Martino Cassandro -email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Twenty microsatellites are available:

MCW0295; MCW0078; MCW0104; MCW0123; MCW0081; MCW0014; MCW0248; LEI0094; MCW0111; MCW0216; MCW0222; MCW0037; MCW0098; ADL0278; LEI0166; MCW0103; MCW0016; MCW0165; MCW0020; ADL026

These markers have been tested in several chicken populations showing an high degree of concordance among labs.

Additional msats routinely used are ADL0102; ADL0158; ADL0176; ADL0181; ADL0210; ADL0267; ADL0136; ADL017

WPSA Italian  Biodiversity Group Panel of microsatellites for chickens can be used also for Parentage Testing.