Caratterizzazione genetica di popolazioni avicole

Recommended WPSA-Italian Biodiversity Group panel of markers for genetic characterization of chicken populations


Prof. Martino Cassandro -email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Twenty microsatellites are available:

MCW0295; MCW0078; MCW0104; MCW0123; MCW0081; MCW0014; MCW0248; LEI0094; MCW0111; MCW0216; MCW0222; MCW0037; MCW0098; ADL0278; LEI0166; MCW0103; MCW0016; MCW0165; MCW0020; ADL026

These markers have been tested in several chicken populations showing an high degree of concordance among labs.

Additional msats routinely used are ADL0102; ADL0158; ADL0176; ADL0181; ADL0210; ADL0267; ADL0136; ADL017

WPSA Italian  Biodiversity Group Panel of microsatellites for chickens can be used also for Parentage Testing.

56° ANNUAL MEETING Associazione Scientifica di Avicoltura
Italian Branch of World’s Poultry Science Association

Are we pushing broilers to their biological limits?

Click here and View and Read all about the meeting: 


2nd Joint Meeting Associazione Scientifica di Avicoltura & Società Italiana di Patologia Aviare

 Le nuove tecnologie e prospettive del sessaggio in-ovo 

6 Maggio 2022


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