75th EAAP Annual Meeting
Launching the EAAP and WPSA collaboration at the 75th EAAP Annual Meeting through a joint session on slow-growing meat-type and dual-purpose genotypes for conventional and alternative farming systems in the EU
The first fruitful collaboration between the World Poultry Science Association (WPSA) and the EAAP Poultry Working Group (PWG) took place at the 75th EAAP Annual Meeting, held from Sept 1st to Sept 5th, 2024, in Florence, Italy, through the creation of joint session entitled “Slow-growing meat-type and dual-purpose genotypes for conventional and alternative farming systems in the EU”.
In favor of the rich collaboration between WPSA and EAAP, Massimiliano Petracci (University of Bologna, Italy), President of the Italian Branch of WPSA, and Gürbüz Daş, (FBN Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology Dummerstorf, Germany), member of the Poultry Working Group of EAAP, were the chairs of the joint session.
As suggested by the title itself, the session mainly dealt with the use of slow-growing meat-type chickens and dual-purpose genotypes in alternative farming systems in the EU. In this respect, the first keynote speaker, Cesare Castellini (University of Perugia, Italy), discussed updated knowledge regarding the use of slow-growing chicken genotypes for conventional and alternative farming systems in the EU. The second invited speaker, Claire Bonnefous (INRAE, France), presented major findings of the PILLOW project, particularly focusing on the multiperformance of slow-growing and dual-purpose strains in organic chicken production. Oral presentations covered various aspects related to the preservation and characterization of local poultry breeds, the implementation of a particular index and approach to evaluate the adaptability and behavior of slow-growing chickens, their performance and nitrogen excretion compared to fast- and medium-growing genotypes, as well as insights on feather’s transcriptome analysis of slow-growing chickens.
As attested by the above, the 75th EAAP Annual Meeting gave the opportunity to put the collaboration between WPSA and the EAAP Poultry Working Group into practice, thus paving the way for the creation of further valuable and profitable scientific sessions in the future.
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