Categoria: 23 ESPN

Mario Estévez
Meat and Meat Products Research Institute, Universidad de Extremadura, 10003, Spain
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Recent history in poultry production illustrates the extent to which decisions made at the farm level have a crucial impact on meat quality. This presentation provides an updated review on the main sources of oxidative stress (OS) to domestic birds, its consequences and the application of innovative means of antioxidant protection. We emphasize strategies and interventions designed to not only improve animal health and meat quality, but also consumers’ health and well-being.

Globally, the world faces two major issues in regards to foods and nutrition. One of them is hunger. Limited (or no access) to nutritious foods, which leads to undernutrition, stunting and eventually, death, is suffered by an estimated 8% of world population (more than 600 million people)1. Globally, one out of three women suffer anemia, and in Spain, 1 out of 3 children are at risk of food poverty2. The other issue is the first cause of death caused by a non-communicable disease: cardiovascular diseases typically linked to obesity and Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). In this case, the driving cause is unlimited access (and sustained consumption) of refined carbs and ultraprocessed foods3. Meat and other animal-based foods are not only responsible of these two situations but they could, in fact, play a major role in the solution. The FAO1 has recurrently reported by the hunger is to be battled by providing nutrient-dense foods and animal-based foods (meat, dairy, fish…) are particularly lacking in underdeveloped countries and among poor population. On the other hand, it is well-known that T2DM is caused by chronic exposure to sugars and carbs which leads to insulin resistance, chronic hyperglycemia and metabolic syndrome3. Meat, as well as other animal products, lack such nutrients, do not induce insulin secretion and in fact, a low-carb high-quality protein diet is known to reverse T2DM condition in specific patients. Despite the many educational, academic and scientific reports claiming for cuts in meat production and consumption, the truth is that meat remains an essential component of a balanced diet4. Chicken in particular, remains as the most consumed type of meat worldwide and its popularity relies on its relatively low price, no religious/moral restrictions, ease to prepare and cook, and its pleasant sensory properties.

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