56° ANNUAL MEETING Associazione Scientifica di Avicoltura

56° ANNUAL MEETING Associazione Scientifica di Avicoltura
Italian Branch of World’s Poultry Science Association

Are we pushing broilers to their biological limits?


organized by Associazione Scientifica di Avicoltura
in collaboration with Vet International S.r.l. Convention Bureau della Riviera di Rimini

 Rimini – April 22nd, 2022

Palacongressi di Rimini


Registration and Welcome coffee


Opening address
Martino Cassandro, President of Italian Branch of World’s Poultry Science Association


Applying energy balance modelling to assess the limits of efficiency of broiler chicken,

Ilkka Leinonen, Natural Resources Institute Finland


Is gut functionality a limitation for maximizing growth?

Birger Svihus, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway)


Why classical broiler production yields animals with high sensitivity to intestinal inflammation and infection?

Filip Van Immerseel, Ghent University (Belgium)

11:30 Fast muscle growth and meat quality issues,

Massimiliano Petracci, University of Bologna (Italy)


Consequences of the breeding of broilers for rapid growth and high breast meat yield, and their genetic mitigation,

Avigdor Cahaner, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)

12:30 Discussion and Conclusions
13:30 Lunch break

Meeting of WPSA members

Contact persons
Massimiliano Petracci & Federico Sirri

Associazione Scientifica di Avicoltura
c/o Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
Piazza Goidanich 60, 47521 Cesena (FC)
Tel: ++39 0547 338128 Fax: ++39 0547 382348
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Launching the EAAP and WPSA collaboration at the 75th EAAP Annual Meeting through a joint session on slow-growing meat-type and dual-purpose genotypes for conventional and alternative farming systems in the EU


The first fruitful collaboration between the World Poultry Science Association (WPSA) and the EAAP Poultry Working Group (PWG) took place at the 75th EAAP Annual Meeting, held from Sept 1st to Sept 5th, 2024, in Florence, Italy, through the creation of joint session entitled “Slow-growing meat-type and dual-purpose genotypes for conventional and alternative farming systems in the EU”.

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Durante la riunione dell’assemblea dei soci tenutasi il 10 maggio u.s. presso la Fiera di Rimini, è stato eletto il nuovo consiglio direttivo per il triennio 2024-2026.

Presidente: Massimiliano Petracci;
Vice Presidente: Franco Calini;
Segretario: Federico Sirri

--> Il nuovo Consiglio Direttivo

Launching the EAAP and WPSA collaboration at the 75th EAAP Annual Meeting through a joint session on slow-growing meat-type and dual-purpose genotypes for conventional and alternative farming systems in the EU


The first fruitful collaboration between the World Poultry Science Association (WPSA) and the EAAP Poultry Working Group (PWG) took place at the 75th EAAP Annual Meeting, held from Sept 1st to Sept 5th, 2024, in Florence, Italy, through the creation of joint session entitled “Slow-growing meat-type and dual-purpose genotypes for conventional and alternative farming systems in the EU”.

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