The Philatelic History of the World’s Poultry Congresses

Categoria: Ultime

At the occasion of the WPSA Centennial Anniversary in 2012, our Belgium based club “Les Amis de la Mère Poule” will assist in the production of the exhibit ‘The Philatelic History of the World’s Poultry Congresses' .

This exhibit will feature the philatelic items issued by the different WPSA Branches at the occasion of the World’s Poultry Congress organized by them during the last century (click here or here for some examples of the material).

The exhibit is planned during the 24th WPC in Bahia, Brazil August, 2012, as well as from 12 November 2011 to 12 November 2012 in the Barneveld Poultry Museum in The Netherlands. As the exhibition is not yet complete, we are looking for more materials to be displayed. Philatelic materials produced for the different events, include stamps, first day covers, sheets of stamps, postcards, posters, stickers, even scale reproductions, etc.

Branches who have organized WPC’s in the past have already been contacted directly by “Les Amis de la Mère Poule”.
As many of our members also have a philatelic interest I herewith would ask you to distribute this request to your members as well.

We hope to receive many positive reactions, so we will be able to organize a wonderful exhibition.

You can send any materials by registered mail to:
Maria Spitaels Les Amis de la Mère Poule
Jan de Trochstraat 118 1703 Schepdaal
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In case you need more information, please contact me.
Yours sincerely,

Dr Roel Mulder Secretary General WPSA

Durante la riunione dell’assemblea dei soci tenutasi il 10 maggio u.s. presso la Fiera di Rimini, è stato eletto il nuovo consiglio direttivo per il triennio 2024-2026.

Presidente: Massimiliano Petracci;
Vice Presidente: Franco Calini;
Segretario: Federico Sirri

--> Il nuovo Consiglio Direttivo



Italian Branch of the
World's Poultry Science Association

Venerdì 10 maggio si è tenuto il convegno organizzato dall’Associazione Scientifica di Avicoltura in collaborazione con SIPA e ASIC sul tema “Aviconiglicoltura italiana: sostenibilità e trasferibilità nel mondo” nell’ambito della manifestazione “FierAvicola Africa & Mediterranean Poultry Forum and B2B” (Fiera di Rimini, 8-10 Maggio 2024)

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