Meat Session I - Eggs & Meat 2013

Categoria: EggsMeat- BG2013-1

XV European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products and XXI European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat

Monday, September 16th 2013

Photo album of the Meat Session I


MEAT SESSION I (Oggioni Hall)
Nutrition, feeding and meat quality


Antioxidants to improve quality of poultry meat products: when and how?.
M.T. Rodriguez-Estrada (University Bologna, Italy)


Effects of dietary enrichment with n-3 fatty acids on the quality of raw and processed breast meat of high and slow growth rate chickens.
E. Baeza (INRA, France)


Effect of dietary zinc on broiler blood zinc protoporphyrin to heme ratio (ZPP/H), bone marrow color, and breast meat quality.
R.I. Qudsieh (North Carolina State University, USA)


Effects of dietary yeast cell wall on carcass characteristics, humoral immune response and histopathological changes in broilers.
S. Yalçin (Selçuk University, Turkey)


Influence of feed carotenoids on carcass and shank pigmentation of yellow chickens.
C. Hamelin (DSM Nutritional Products Europe, France)




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